Eating is the biggest challenge for all IBD sufferers.
You can feel powerless and this can be depressing.
This is a guide to understanding what your body is telling you
and suggestions on how you might best answer it.
Eating disorders have strong emotional & psychological roots.
They can be difficult to treat and challenging to overcome.
If you suspect you might have an eating disorder
such as anorexia nervosa,
bulimia, bingeing & purging, overeating,
you're overweight, or have
processed fast food addictions,
and haven't yet seen a doctor,
please see a medical professional asap
to diagnose your particular condition.
Love yourself first.
Human beings are both simple and very complex.
Eat food, digest, eliminate, repeat. That's the simple equation.
However, it's what happens between the
eating and eliminating that makes IBD complex.
If your digestive system was murdered,
where would you look first?
"I am sick and tired of being sick and tired."
"I choose to manage what I have control over."
"I choose mindfulness expression, including
meditation / prayer / spiritual practice / positive affirmations
Flareups. The worst. The ABSOLUTE WORST.
What do you do when you're afraid to eat?
How do you calm the fire?
First, you need to take a little time off,
get plenty of REST, HYDRATION,
Empowerment begins with
exercising your choice to stay healthy.
It's not always easy... but you're worth it!
Objective: To minimize your internal & external stress.
operate heavy machinery, work out,
lift weights or heavy objects,
go jogging, hiking, biking or
engage in any intense physical activity.
Do NOT push your recovery!
Walking, a gentle swim, yoga and stretching are all great,
but always limit to your comfort zone.
2oz - 4oz/daily
Drink cool, but not ice cold
AVOID drinking ice water or iced tea
during this time of recovery.
Our bodies like warm and gentle.
Our gut bacteria make up our MICROBIOME.
Our gut is often referred to as our body's second brain.
As our gut goes, so goes the rest of us.
Our gut bacteria, the good ones, keep us healthy
and keep the bad guys moving safely out of your system.
DYSBIOSIS occurs when the bad gut bacteria
overwhelm the good gut bacteria,
creating an imbalance in our MICROBIOME.
Your gut lining is there to keep bacteria in its place,
bacteria that must not escape into your blood stream.
'LEAKEY GUT SYNDROME is characterized
by fissures or tears in the gut wall.
When this happens, bacteria can escape into your bloodstream.
This can cause SEPSIS, an infection of the blood which can be
antibiotic-resistant and lead to death, often in the hospital.
PROBIOTICS are the good bacteria guys.
You always want to work with the PROs if you're going to get better.
These are the armies, the colonies, of good bacteria you need,
working together to help keep your gut healthy.
You have billions maybe trillions of these rich colonies of gut bacteria.
PREBIOTICS are the nutrients, the food, that
PROBIOTICS require to live and keep our gut healthy.
Without PREBIOTIC nutrients,
PROBIOTIC colonies simply will not endure,
compromising your healthy digestive response to food.
DYSBIOSIS occurs when the bad bugs overwhelm our good bugs.
A compromised gut can be a dysfunctional gut.
Note: If you're not a fan of plants...
I know.
It's going to take a little time.
I'll bet you've been suffering awhile and just want it to stop.
My suffering slowed to a stop when my healing began.
I believe your suffering can be managed & minimized, too.
So, GO SLOWLY when adding plants into your diet.
I'll try to make it simpler than you think.
It's relatively easy to disguise them in tasty ways.
You may experience an uptick in gassiness during this time.
The gassiness will subside over time.
Plants are the sweepers.
They keep things running smoothly.
Kicking out the bad guys means kicking up the dust.
The gas I experience now is normal and doesn't smell, really.
You and I know what noxious, dysbiotic farts smell like.
Like death, sometimes, right?
Mine smell more like life. Normal life.
I want this for you. Sincerely I do.
Nice normal farts.
Think of your gut as an internal flower garden.
It needs the right combination of clean, pure hydration
and nutrients to stay viable and healthy.
So, what foods help nourish our GUT FLORA,
All edible plants are rich, nutritional sources of PREBIOTICS.
of PREBIOTICS are essential nutrients for PROBIOTICS.
Plants & Roots sweep out the DYSBIOTIC gut bacteria and
deliver nutritious PREBIOTICS to your entire gut lining,
promoting protective colonies of PROBIOTICS,
a key to healing.
Wash & Clean ALL Plants & Roots Thoroughly!
Bake or Roast Gently Sautée Steam Air Fry
Organic Plants & Roots are always my first choice.
Hidden pesticides may be contributing
to your condition and there's really no test for that.
Although there are washes you can purchase,
I use a veggie brush with mild soap and water & then rinse.
White vinegar can also be used as a wash.
Cooking Sprays / Oils / Fats:
Olive Oil, Avocado Oil, Chia Seed Oil, Hempseed Oil,
Coconut Oil, MCT (Medium Chain Triglycerides) Oil,
Flaxseed Oil, Organic Ghee & Grass Fed Butter
Fresh - Frozen - Riced
Broccoli Florets Cauliflower
Fresh - Frozen - Cubed
Zucchini, Yellow, Acorn, Spaghetti,
Butternut & Pumpkin Squashes
Fresh Only
Alfalfa Broccoli
Fresh / Baked or Frozen / Cubed / Shredded
Sweet Potatoes Yams Purple Potatoes
Parsnips Beets
Plants & Roots work as sweepers and healers.
Let food be your medicine
and medicine be your food.
The bad guys have been having a party.
Party's over.
It's gonna take time to kick them out of their favorite club.
So, expect a little gas as a side effect of kicking the bad guys out.
Endure this part of the process because
calmer seas lie ahead as your body heals itself.
This may be a heavier lift than you anticipated.
That's ok. Please...Stick with me.
Even if you're under a doctor's care, on medication,
taking infusions,
these suggested protocols for a more nutritious lifestyle
may be helpful
as part of your management protocol.
Always check with your doctor and pharmacist about
any foods that may interfere with your medical protocol.
Be patient with yourself.
There's no rushing this process.
One day at a time. One hour at a time.
Rest and stay hydrated.
Meditate. Visualize. Spiritualize.
Healing Affirmations. Deep Breathe.
Whatever it takes.
It's been said that breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
With IBD sufferers, however, any meal could be the worst meal,
especially when symptoms arise, persist, or intensify.
Look to the BABY FOOD AISLE in your favorite supermarket.
That's right, Baby Food!
Think about it: Before babies can eat solid food,
they have to get their tummies used to the idea.
Kinda like us at the moment.
Pre-packaged, pre-portioned,
pureed BABY FOOD (organic preferred)
is an easy-on-your-tummy time saver.
Use as part of any recipe
for easy-on-your-tummy
smoothies, soups or a quick snack.
Stick with these winners:
mango, pear, apple sauce, papaya, carrots,
apricot, squashes, sweet potatoes
Protein blends (chicken, beef, turkey)
may not play as well on your mature taste buds.
Try them anyway! You might like them!
To minimize/eliminate your exposure to pesticides from the field,
organic fruits/plants/veggies are always preferred.
Thoroughly wash your plants and fruits
in a gentle soap and water, or white vinegar wash,
even if organic.
Serves 4
In a soup pot, pour 32oz of one of the following:
- Organic / Low Sodium preferred -
- Vegetable Broth -
- Beef Broth - or - Beef Bone Broth -
- Chicken Broth - or - Chicken Bone Broth -
Heat on Low until a low boil appears
Add to chosen broth:
12oz Fresh Onion/Celery/Carrot premixed
(Available in your market's Lettuce section)
One Medium, Chopped Sweet Onion
Plus Your Choice:
Small Handful of sliced/chopped/mixed:
Broccoli, Cauliflower, Carrots, Celery
(Cut off the stems, use flower tops only)
2 pinches of dill
1 pinch of parsley
1 pinch of salt
(Optional) 1 Tsp. Turmeric
Cover & Heat on low 20-30 minutes
until Veggies are soft
Add precooked, small pieces of chicken/turkey
Let sit in soup for 5-10 minutes to warm up
and soak up the juices
Remember, our objective is to calm our inflammation.
Smoothies allow our body to work less intensely,
easing our digestive process,
and bringing calm to the storm.
In the beginning of your dietary recovery,
rely on smoothies to take the pressure off.
If you like the recipes, it's ok to have a few a day.
Resting our intestines is a good thing.
They need time to heal. Smoothies can help.
Appliance Needed: A Blender
The one I use:
Ninja Brand Blender
NutriBullet is Another Good Blender
Both Good Values, Long Lasting
1/2 cup broccoli florets
( cut off the stems, use just the green flower tops)
1/4 cup fresh papaya
1/2 banana
1+ cup non-dairy milk: pea/almond/oat/rice or pea protein*
1+ cup pure water (9.5 Alkaline preferred)
2 oz George's 100% Aloe Vera
1+ scoop of pea protein powder**
1 tsp Turmeric Powder
1 tbsp Honey
Blend & Liquify
*The most nutritionally dense Pea Protein milk brand name:
Ripple / Unsweetened
*The most nutritionally dense Almond Milk brand name:
MYLK / Unsweetened
(Avoid Almond Milk altogether if you have a nut allergy)
**I prefer Pea Protein powder as it's easiest to digest.
Orgain (chocolate or vanilla) is a pea protein blend I enjoy.
Available at Costco.com
It comes in powder form and also as a ready-to-drink smoothie shake
Ingredients & Recipes
FRUIT: Banana Papaya Mango Avocado Melon
PLANTS: Baby Spinach Baby Kale Riced Cauliflower Riced Broccoli
ROOTS: Sweet Potatoes Yams Purple Potatoes Parsnips Beets
SEEDS/CEREALS: Chia Seeds Hemp Seeds
Grain-free/Gluten-free cereals and breads
PROTEIN: Fish and Poultry preferred
Tuna Salmon Tilapia Sea Bass Chicken Turkey
SPICES: Turmeric Dill Parsley Onion Powder
LIQUID: George's 100% Aloe Vera Pure Alkaline (8.0-9.5) water (preferred)
Bottled/Purified water
TEAS: Chamomile Hybiscus Roibos Any Turmeric Blend
OMEGA 3 fatty acids are known as
because we need them, we must consume them,
and our bodies don't make them.
Think of them as being ESSENTIAL to our health.
The Best Part:
OMEGA 3 fatty acids are
and can be found in:
Fish: Salmon, sardines, anchovies,
Tuna, herring, catfish, cod, & mackerel,
& Cold-water Fatty Fish
Seeds/Nuts: Chia Seeds, Walnuts, Flax Seed
Nuts & Oils: Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Krill Oil
Walnuts/Walnut Oil, Flax & Flax Seed Oil,
Avocado Oil
Omega 6 Fatty Acids are inflammatory to our gut.
Although GRAS (Generally Regarded As Safe),
these Omega-6 dominant oils
& their accompanying fatty acid profile
contribute to our own inflammation
Omega-6 dominant oils are used
in processed, fried, & fast food.
They're cheaper and more profitable.
If you consume processed/fast/fried food regularly,
expect a continued inflammatory response.
Partially hydrogenated & hydrogenated vegetable oil,
which is used to make products like margarine, coffee creamer,
packaged snacks and fried food.
Partially hydrogenated or hydrogenated oils
contain harmful trans fats which can lead to heart & health problems.
Vegetable Oil, Soybean Oil, Corn Oil, Peanut Oil, Sunflower Seed Oil,
Grapeseed Oil, Canola Oil, Safflower Oil, PAM Vegetable Oil Spray
Coconut Oil, Avocado Oil, Olive Oil, Hempseed Oil
GLUTEN is a protein found in some grains, especially the ubiquitous WHEAT. GLUTEN can cause severe allergic reactions in those who are sensitive. People with CELIAC DISEASE are GLUTEN SENSITIVE. CELIACS should always avoid GLUTEN in their diet, especially from WHEAT.
Always read nutritional labels
on boxes, cans, & bottles.
Know what you're putting into your body.
Knowledge is empowerment.
Eat several smaller meals during the day.
Your tummy will thank you.
Keep your nutritional intake uniform in size.
Sip your smoothies, don't guzzle.
Chew, chew, chew your food.
Eating is not a race to dessert.
Pay attention to your food combinations!
Simple rule: Don't follow protein with sugar.
If you follow an animal protein meal with
any sugary dessert, be it fruit, dairy, pastry or cake,
you will have digestive issues. Sugar digests
faster than protein and can't go around the protein
you've consumed, rendering it trapped, stuck &
fermenting the protein, causing gas discomfort.
You'll probably take an acid reducer like you usually do.
Or maybe you've taken one ahead of time to prevent this.
I'm trying to help you understand the digestive
processes so you can eliminate or greatly reduce
your use of acid inhibitors. Let your digestion do its work.
All you may have to do is pay attention to food combining.
You can do this. Whatever it takes.
And don't overdo it. Don't overstuff yourself.
Eat until gently satiated.
Our objective is to ease digestive stress.
Several small "meals" a day will get you there.
Easy on the red meat there, tigers and lionesses.
Anti-inflammatory, probiotic powerhouse
of digestive smoothness.
If I was a doctor, which I am not,
I'd prescribe consuming 1/4-1/2 papaya a day.
Perfect in smoothies, salads, gluten free cereal & oatmeal,
paleo pancakes, on top of frozen yogurt...experiment at will!
You'll feel the calming difference.
For a filling dessert:
One medium papaya, cut in half, lengthwise.
Wrap one half in food plastic and put it back in the fridge for tomorrow.
You can also cut in quarters if half is too big a portion.
Spoon out the seeds and compost them or toss them.
Spoon the papaya in to a cereal/soup bowl.
Discard/compost/place in green bin/ the papaya skin.
Suggested Additions:
Any fruit you find agreeable. Modify at will.
Banana, mango, soft melon, blueberries, blackberries,
raspberries, peaches, ripe purple plums, dark cherries, kiwi
Top with unsweetened frozen or refrigerated yogurt
Drool some honey swirls on top of that.
Sprinkle to taste, Chia Seeds & Hemp Seeds.
Dark (72%+) Chocolate Shavings/Chips on top.
Dust with cinnamon.
Big enough to share a little! Enjoy!
A plant protein & probiotic powerhouse.
Slice into individual pieces or split lengthwise into a serving bowl
1 tsp chia seed, 1 tsp hemp seed.
Sprinkle a little cinnamon
Drizzle little honey on top of that
Next, crush or grate one or two chunks of 72% Dark Chocolate for the final topping
I recommend dark chocolate with a 72% cacao content or higher
And then as a final final option: A sprinkle of 100% organic cacao powder on top of it all, just enough for taste.
Ready, set, mix it up and spoon! And, just TRY to keep this a secret from the kids ... not !
Banana splits in the morning? I'm getting up early!!
Great for staying sharp in the morning
I'M NUTS ABOUT BANANA PANCAKES! - the absolute easiest way to make pancakes, without a speck of flour!
One medium to large banana
In a bowl, slice and moosh the banana
Thoroughly blend two large eggs in a separate bowl
Add a little vanilla and cinnamon to the egg mixture
Add some hemp seeds or chia seeds or flax seeds to the mix
Add the egg mixture to the mooshed bananas and blend thoroughly
Preheat a griddle to 350 degrees or heat up a medium or large pan on the stove
Land dollops of the egg-banana mixture onto the griddle.
Serve with honey, cinnamon, sliced blueberries, bananas, papaya, or kiwi
Drizzle some pure maple syrup
Add a sprinkle of coconut sugar
Splash your favorite nut mixture, chia seeds, flax seeds, or hemp seeds on top
"The Perfect 'You're a Genius!' Hard-Boiled Egg"
I make my hard boiled eggs a dozen or more at a time. Always a great snack for me, anytime of day.
Fill a sauce pan about 2/3 with water, enough to cover the eggs.
Add your dozen or so eggs, gently, into the saucepan, making sure you still have enough water to just cover the eggs. Place a cover on your sauce pan.
Turn on your burner and set to LOW. This will ensure the cool water and the cool eggs don't heat up too fast. I the eggs heat up too fast, they crack. Be patient, slow and easy.
Bring the water to a boil and boil the eggs for one minute.
After one minute, turn off the burner.
Let the eggs sit in the hot water for 15 more minutes
During this time, in a large bowl, prepare an ice bath for the eggs.
After 15 minutes, place the hard boiled eggs in the ice bath for 5-10 minutes, until cooled
Remove the eggs from the ice bath, dry them off and lace eggs in a bowl in the refrigerator
12 automatic snacks.
"Green Eggs" (EGGS: Allergen Alert!)
Whenever I have scrambled eggs or an omelet, I always throw in an overflowing handful of greens or plants first.
In a saucepan, with heat on LOW, melt a dollop of 100% Organic Pure Unrefined, Extra Virgin, Cold Pressed Coconut Oil.
You can substitute the coconut oil with canola spray, if you like.
As the oil is heating, add a handful of your favorite greens:
Spinach and kale and broccoli flower tops are my favorites.
On the side, in another bowl, whisk two eggs and blend them together
When the greens have kind of melted into each other and have turned dark green,
Add the blended eggs and stir gently with a spatula designed for high heat cooking.
When the eggs are firm, sprinkle on a little shredded cheese
Gently fold the egg dish onto your breakfast plate.
And there you have it, "Green Eggs"
Here's a variation on the "Green Eggs" recipe that I also use a lot.
"Green Eggs and Holy GuacaMoly!" Now it becomes an egg, protein, probiotic blast.
In a saucepan, with heat on LOW, melt a dollop of 100% Organic Pure Unrefined, Extra Virgin, Cold Pressed Coconut Oil.
You can substitute the coconut oil with canola spray, if you have that.
As the oil is heating, add a handful of your favorite greens and plants.
This is where you can go a little crazy because there's no limit on the amount of greens or plants you can eat.
Spinach, kale, mushrooms, jalapenos, broccoli flowertops, fine-cut asparagus, shredded brussels sprouts,
artichoke hearts, green/red/yellow peppers, thin sliced/shredded zuchini or banana squash.
Green, white, sweet or red onions and garlic. Throw in whatever you like!
The veggies in your pan will soften and melt together with the oil.
I'll add a tiny bit of salt, pepper and powdered garlic and onion to taste. Add the spices you like.
I will often add a little organic chicken sausage, ground turkey or ground beef.
I cut the sausage into little pieces and I like my ground meat to be in small pieces too.
Gently stir and blend the ingredients so all the flavors are melded together.
When everything has been cooking for a little bit and the sliced sausage is browning
I will add two smoothly beaten eggs. I just pour it in, using my spatula to get every last drop of egg.
With my spatula, I move the mixture around for a few minutes, adding a little more coconut oil if I need to.
When the eggs have cooked, I add some shredded cheese blend on top, letting it melt for a minute
Then I use my spatula to guide the meal onto my breakfast dish.
I will add dollops of guacamole that I've handmade with a little lemon, salt, pepper, and a sprinkle of garlic and onion.
I'll add dollops of wasabi mayonaise and mustard on the side of my plate as shmearing condiments.
I like it with a little kick.
"Avocado and Egg Salsa" (EGGS: Allergen Alert)
Use a small avocado or cut a large one in half.
Scoop the flesh into a mixing bowl
Add lemon juice from 1/4-1/3 of a lemon
Add a little salt and pepper
Sprinkle in a tiny pinch of garlic powder (to taste)
With a fork, moosh it all together until it's lumpy-creamy, guacamole-style
Gently fold in some finely chopped tomatoes, green chiles, mangoes, and fine-chopped onions to taste
With a spatula, scrape the guacamole into a soup bowl
In another bowl, take a hard boiled egg, remove the shell, slice it and crumble it up
Add a tiny dollop of mayo, mustard, or organic non-fat, plain (Greek) yogurt, salt and pepper to the hard boiled egg
Gently stir the ingredients so as to preserve the chunky yolk
Fold the hard boiled egg ingredients on top of the guacamole mixture
A little paprika on the top
Eat this with some carrots, celery or gluten-free veggie chips or rice cake
It also makes a great side dish, the perfect complement for fish or poultry or beef
"Cupcake Eggs"
These can be made two ways: Scrambled or sunny-side up.
"Scrambled Cupcake Eggs"
Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees
12-cup cupcake oven pan
12 paper cupcake liners
6-8 eggs
Scrambled in a large mixing bowl
Finely scissor or chop broccoli flower tops
Blend broccoli flower tops into scrambled eggs
Finely cut or crumble turkey bacon, ham, or chicken
Set the meat protein to the side for the moment
Maybe add a little green onion or garlic powder to taste
Maybe add a little salt and pepper, maybe not
Place paper cupcake liners one per cup in the pan
Pour the scrambled eggs and broccoli mixture into
each cup, filling each cup about half-way or so. The mixture
will rise during cooking and you'll want to make space for that.
If you fill it up too high, it will overflow the
cup and make a bigger mess.
To each cup, add your choice of protein.
As an additional option, I like to top it off with
a little shredded cheese, or feta cheese, or goat cheese.
Bake maybe 15 minutes
or until a toothpick test comes out clean
The first time, just keep checking.
When done, they can be served immediately
on a bed of quinoa and kale
or you can cool them in the fridge for
afternoon snacking. Nuke em for 15 seconds
and you're good to go!
"Sunny-Side Up Cupcake Eggs"
The easier version of the two, I think
Prepare the oven
Prepare the pan
Crack and plop one egg per cup in the pan
Add your veggie and meat, being careful
not to break the yolk if possible
Sprinkle your cheese on top as a final option
Bake for like 15 minutes or until a toothpick
comes out clean
HOT CEREALS - Insane in the Membrane Grains, Supergrains to soothe your soul and colon.
"Fire's Out!! Hot Cereal"
The easiest morning breakfast for me to digest when I had a flare-up would be hot cream of rice cereal with bananas or papaya and honey or blueberry or apricot jam as a sweetener. That's it. Every morning, easy breezy. Along with moderating and cooking everything for lunch and dinner, I would eventually calm down my system. Then I could add things, good things, back into my food choice menu. Like some of the following.
Now that Fall is officially here, a morning hot-shot shooter of whole grains can feed the good bacteria in your gut and keep you going all morning long. Even without coffee!
Here are some grains that may be new to you. These grains are naturally wheat-free and nutrient dense. I've had no digestive issues related to any of these grains. You might. Always consult a doctor before adding any new food choices into your life.
I whole-heartedly endorse the Earnest Eats brand of hot cereals. Check out www.earnesteats.com. Their product line can also be found and purchased at www.vitacost.com.
First of all, what I like about the Earnest Eats brand of hot cereal, is they come in individual 2.35 oz, recyclable paper serving cups into which you pour your hot water, let it steep for a few minutes, and voila! It cooks in its own cup and is ready to eat. A hot-shot morning shooter of Supergrains . The only thing you have to get used to is the nutrient-dense mouth-feel of what real food used to feel and taste like to our ancestors. These are ancient grains, unrefined. Know that with every bite of a nutrient dense meal or snack moderates blood sugar spikes and keep the fires burning longer.
The other thing I like about Earnest Eats Asia Blend is that it also works well as a base for an even denser nutrient experience.
I will often add tiny bits (it's not a big cup) of banana or other fruit, chia seeds, hemp seeds, raw honey, 100% organic cacao powder, 72% dark chocolate or cinnamon before I add the hot water. It depends on the mood of my taste buds, but I like to add my own personal touch.
What I'm saying is, eat it right out of the cup, as is, or feel free to amp it up even more. Here's how it comes in the cup:
(Allergen Alert!) Earnest Eats is manufactured in a facility that
produces products that contain wheat, soy, eggs, milk, peanuts and tree nuts.
Earnest Eats Asia Blend (Allergen Alert!)
Instant Hot Cereal in a Cup.
Great for late morning starts
Make 'em in minutes
Great breakfast shot or afternoon snack
Make 'em in the morning and
let the kids eat hearty on the go
Never eat and drive yourself. Never.
Unless you're talking and sexting,
changing the channel, disciplining the
kids with the dog on your lap and a to-go latte
in your other hand. Then it's ok. For you
to get a ticket and arrested for intoxicated
behavior. Really, I'm just seeing if anyone is
paying attention.
Add banana and honey for extra nutrition!
The good gut bacteria LOVE bananas and fruit!
Superfood Grains (Whole Rolled Oats, Quinoa, Puffed Amaranth)
Dried Cane Syrup, Chopped Almonds, Dried Mango
Sesame Seeds, Sunflower Seeds, Flax Seeds,
Matcha Green Tea, Korintje Cinnamon, Sea Salt.
Earnest Eats Mayan Blend (Allergen Alert!)
Wheat-free, Vegan blend, Zero sugars, 7g protein
14 oz cannister
5 minutes stove top; 90 seconds, microwave
You provide the cup and sweetener.
Superfood Grains (Whole Rolled Oats, Quinoa, Puffed Amaranth)
Raw Pepitas, Raw Sunflower Seeds, Cashew pieces,
Raw Chopped Almonds, Raw Flax Seeds, Unsweetened Natural Cocoa
Korintje Cinnamon, Sea Salt
I always try to buy organic when I can.
Chia Seed - antioxidant power, high in dietary fiber, vegetarian sourced EFA's
Hemp Seed - raw, shelled, high protein, omega 3's
Teff - Porridge recipe with dates and honey, zero sugars, 7g protein
Kamut - Easy to digest whole grain
Amaranth - An ancient Aztec grain, easy to digest
More to come...!