About Me

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Oak Park, California, United States
In 1980, I was diagnosed by my then-proctologist/gastroenterologist with the IBD: Ulcerative Colitis. It took me 20 puzzling years, but I finally BEAT IT! I've been in remission, symptom free, since 2000, all without meds.


Wednesday, March 4, 2020

I know I've been away from my blog for awhile...But only because my protocol is perfect for me. I continue to be 100% healthy, no symptoms for 20 years, weight is managed, stress is managed, diet is managed. Of course, like many of us, I'd LOVE to consume everything I want: pasta, pizza, wheat, dairy, red meat, sugar and more sugar...but my body says "You had decades to eat like a fast-food sugar addict, and now you have to listen to me, your body, the temple you live in every day. You are now on a journey of total respect for what your body can do for you when it's healthy. Now, stick with it!" So that's my pact with my body. My mind and mouth would like to bathe in processed junk food, but my body now rules the day. My mind and my mouth are tamed, no more of that toxic waste dump going into my digestive system to wreak havoc. My body won the fight because I got sick and tired of being sick and tired. Read my story and it was a lot worse than that. I suffered for 20 years until I figured out the key to my own personal health. 20 years I suffered...WITHOUT THE INTERNET! When I tapped into my community of sufferers, I began my journey back to health. They may tell you it's all in your head. It's not. In my case, it was solely diet that I needed to pay attention to. Remove the toxins consumed by our everyday processed meals and that's a good place to start. You have to be open to it, though. If you're simply paralyzed because of your condition, so was I. Until I began to listen to my body and do what it was telling me to do. In short, stop eating garbage and you'll begin to feel less like garbage yourself. Listen to your body and you may be able to turn this around and gain your old health back. Doctors have already told you they don't know the root cause of our gastro-intestinal bleeding. Well, if they don't know, how do they know they're prescribing the right treatment for you? The answer for me was: They simply don't have any answers because they haven't bothered to look at dietary contributions to your condition. You simply can't pay back all those student loans for medical school unless you're sleeping with Big Pharma. So, you're going to get treatment that doesn't work over time. Over time, you'll be bounced from one drug to another...until nothing works, your immune system is compromised by their treatment, and now you're open to get a cold that turns into pneumonia in the hospital. I saw that nightmare and said, "No, not for me, thank you." I wish all my visitors good health and a strong constitution to battle this. As I mentioned, I suffered for 20 years with little to no relief. I hope it's early enough for you to find your healing protocol. I make no claims that my protocol will fit you. I'm not a doctor and I make no claims to be a healer for anyone other than myself. If you're currently being treated for IBD or IBS, I believe your answers exist. Except for foods that may interrupt your doctor's protocol, eating real, preferably organic food, every day, with more of a plant-based diet, will, I believe, improve your digestion and give you back the nutrient support your body craves. Please feel free to leave me a message of any length and I will respond. Thank you for visiting! Wishing you health and wellness, always, Graham Becker